×Loan Policy
Moray Firth Credit Union Ltd will make available lending products to meet member’s needs as required by and in accordance with the Credit Union Act 1979.
The Credit Union will base its lending decisions on an applicant’s ability to repay the loan (capacity) and the likelihood of the credit union receiving payment on time and in full (character). The Credit Union has an obligation to protect members’ savings when granting a loan and this dual responsibility is central to this Credit Union’s philosophy of co-operation between members. The Credit Union reserves the right to conduct credit reference checks before a decision is made on loan applications.
Credit Union Loans
Moray Firth Credit Union Ltd loans start from £50. To help the Credit Committee reach a decision on lending money they will need to see evidence of income such as:
• three recent and consecutive bank statements – paper copies
• three recent and consecutive wage slips – paper copies
• the income and expenditure of your household
• any award letters from DWP/PIP or any other evidence of income
• We will ask all members to sign a DWP form in the event it is needed within the term of the loan (except secured loans).
These documents should be included with the loan application.
To apply for a loan you must:
• Be aged between18 and 80 and be an existing member
• Not be in a current bankruptcy, DAS or Protected Trust Deed debt scheme
DWP / Universal Credit Claimants
• The maximum first time loan to DWP borrowers will be £300.
• DWP/UC claimants will be asked to sign a form so that the loan is registered with DWP/UC for repayment in the event of default.
Top Up Loans
• Top up loans will be allowed on an account after the minimum of 50% of the original loan has been paid off or at the discretion of the Credit Committee.
• Top up loans will not be granted if there have been missed payments on the original loan with no satisfactory explanation of the reason why.
• Top up loans will not be granted if the member has made no attempt to save during the period of their loan.
• Only two top up loans will be allowed in one year unless agreed by the Credit Committee.
Borrowers of £5000+
• Only available to regular members who have established a good savings and repayment record.
• Credit Committee may negotiate an interest rate with members and advise the Board at the next meeting, avoiding delays.
Regular Borrowers
• Borrowers who have saved and who have repaid more than 4 loans will be eligible for a lower rate of loan interest
Moray Firth Credit Union Ltd reserves the right to suggest a reduced amount to borrowers from their original request. The Credit Committee will give the reason why the decision was made.
The Credit Union reserves the right to limit the amount of loans per household. Because of GDPR, the Credit Union is not permitted to reveal what loans there may already be in the home. Existing loans in the home may impact on the decision on whether to grant another loan to another member of the same household
Loan repayments will be set between the member and the Credit Committee. Should the member’s circumstances change, affecting the ability to maintain the agreed payment, the member should contact the Credit Committee as soon as possible to re-negotiate the terms of the loan. In the case of non-payments and members disregarding any reminders, every effort will be made to recover the money, leading to court action if necessary. Any court charges will also be passed on to the member for payment.
The Credit Union will try to avoid such action and alternative additional advice will be given to members so that they are made aware of other financial services available to them.
All decisions on lending are at the Credit Committee’s discretion.
It may take at least a week for the Credit Committee to reach a decision on a loan as there may be a number of factors to consider. Once a loan has been approved, the Credit Committee will contact the member.
Monthly interest is based on a reducing balance. Interest is calculated daily. There are no early repayment fees.